Source code for shillelagh.adapters.api.weatherapi

An adapter to WeatherAPI (

import logging
import urllib.parse
from datetime import date, datetime, timedelta, timezone
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterator, List, Optional, Tuple, Union, cast

import dateutil.parser
import requests_cache

from shillelagh.adapters.base import Adapter
from shillelagh.exceptions import ImpossibleFilterError
from shillelagh.fields import DateTime, Float, IntBoolean, Integer, Order, String
from shillelagh.filters import Filter, Impossible, Operator, Range
from shillelagh.typing import RequestedOrder, Row

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)


[docs] def combine_time_filters(bounds: Dict[str, Filter]) -> Range: """ Combine both time filters together. The adapter has two time columns that can be used to filter the data, "time" as a timestamp and "time_epoch" as a float. We convert the latter to a timestamp and combine the two filters into a single ``Range``. """ time_range = bounds.get("time", Range()) time_epoch_range = bounds.get("time_epoch", Range()) if isinstance(time_range, Impossible) or isinstance(time_epoch_range, Impossible): raise ImpossibleFilterError() if not isinstance(time_range, Range) or not isinstance(time_epoch_range, Range): raise Exception("Invalid filter") # pylint: disable=broad-exception-raised # convert time_epoch range to datetime so we can combine it # with the time range time_epoch_range.start = ( datetime.fromtimestamp(time_epoch_range.start, tz=timezone.utc) if time_epoch_range.start is not None else None ) time_epoch_range.end = ( datetime.fromtimestamp(time_epoch_range.end, tz=timezone.utc) if time_epoch_range.end is not None else None ) # combine time ranges together and check if the result is a valid range time_range += time_epoch_range if isinstance(time_range, Impossible): raise ImpossibleFilterError() return cast(Range, time_range)
[docs] class WeatherAPI(Adapter): """ An adapter for WeatherAPI ( The adapter expects an URL like::$key&q=$location Where ``$key`` is an API key (available for free), and ``$location`` is a freeform value that can be a US Zipcode, UK Postcode, Canada Postalcode, IP address, Latitude/Longitude (decimal degree) or city name. """ safe = True # Since the adapter doesn't return exact data (see the time columns below) # implementing limit/offset is not worth the trouble. supports_limit = False supports_offset = False # These two columns can be used to filter the results from the API. We # define them as inexact since we will retrieve data for the whole day, # even if specific hours are requested. The post-filtering will be done # by the backend. time = DateTime(filters=[Range], order=Order.ASCENDING, exact=False) time_epoch = Float(filters=[Range], order=Order.ASCENDING, exact=False) temp_c = Float() temp_f = Float() is_day = IntBoolean() wind_mph = Float() wind_kph = Float() wind_degree = Integer() wind_dir = String() pressure_mb = Float() pressure_in = Float() precip_mm = Float() precip_in = Float() humidity = Integer() cloud = Integer() feelslike_c = Float() feelslike_f = Float() windchill_c = Float() windchill_f = Float() heatindex_c = Float() heatindex_f = Float() dewpoint_c = Float() dewpoint_f = Float() will_it_rain = IntBoolean() chance_of_rain = String() will_it_snow = IntBoolean() chance_of_snow = String() vis_km = Float() vis_miles = Float() gust_mph = Float() gust_kph = Float()
[docs] @staticmethod def supports(uri: str, fast: bool = True, **kwargs: Any) -> Optional[bool]: """""" parsed = urllib.parse.urlparse(uri) query_string = urllib.parse.parse_qs(parsed.query) return ( parsed.netloc == "" and parsed.path == "/v1/history.json" and "q" in query_string and ("key" in query_string or "api_key" in kwargs) )
[docs] @staticmethod def parse_uri(uri: str) -> Union[Tuple[str], Tuple[str, str]]: parsed = urllib.parse.urlparse(uri) query_string = urllib.parse.parse_qs(parsed.query) location = query_string["q"][0] # key can be passed in the URL or via connection arguments if "key" in query_string: return (location, query_string["key"][0]) return (location,)
def __init__(self, location: str, api_key: str, window: int = 7): super().__init__() self.location = location self.api_key = api_key self.window = window # use a cache, since the adapter does a lot of similar API requests, # and the data should rarely (never?) change self._session = requests_cache.CachedSession( cache_name="weatherapi_cache", backend="sqlite", expire_after=180, )
[docs] def get_cost( self, filtered_columns: List[Tuple[str, Operator]], order: List[Tuple[str, RequestedOrder]], ) -> float: cost = INITIAL_COST # if the operator is ``Operator.EQ`` we only need to fetch 1 day of data; # otherwise we potentially need to fetch "window" days of data for _, operator in filtered_columns: weight = 1 if operator == Operator.EQ else self.window cost += FETCHING_COST * weight return cost
[docs] def get_data( # pylint: disable=too-many-locals self, bounds: Dict[str, Filter], order: List[Tuple[str, RequestedOrder]], **kwargs: Any, ) -> Iterator[Row]: # combine filters from the two time columns try: time_range = combine_time_filters(bounds) except ImpossibleFilterError: return today = first = today - timedelta(days=self.window - 1) start = if time_range.start else first end = if time_range.end else today _logger.debug("Range is %s to %s", start, end) # download data from every today from [start, end] while start <= end: url = "" params = {"key": self.api_key, "q": self.location, "dt": start} query_string = urllib.parse.urlencode(params)"GET %s?%s", url, query_string) response = self._session.get(url, params=params) if response.ok: payload = response.json() local_timezone =["location"]["tz_id"]) for record in payload["forecast"]["forecastday"][0]["hour"]: row = {column: record[column] for column in self.get_columns()} row["time"] = dateutil.parser.parse(record["time"]).replace( tzinfo=local_timezone, ) row["rowid"] = int(row["time_epoch"]) _logger.debug(row) yield row start += timedelta(days=1)